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Michael Fitterer

Kickball Commissioner

I was born and grew up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I live with my wife of 13 years and her partner of 4 years. I often felt like I didn't have a good group of people that I fit in with for most of my life and SEPSA has given that to me as well as bringing back some of the joys of my youth. I work as a fabricator/welder at a great company and enjoy creating my own art during my free time.

Why did you become kickball commissioner? I volunteered to help with kickball in the second season to give back to SEPSA and the wonderful people in our community. All the personal growth SEPSA has given me and the friends that were made along the way has show what a great community this SEPSA can be for everyone. I have had 3 wonderful years playing multiple sports in SEPSA and can only look forward to many years to come.